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  • July 25, 2013

FORT COLLINS, Colo. – JULY 25, 2013 – First Western Trust presents “Living a Legacy as a Life’s Work”, a planning workshop for building and communicating a living legacy.  This workshop included integrated topics such as strategic life planning, family vision and mission development, business succession and retirement planning, planned giving strategies and fiduciary planning.

An intra-family generational study of 950 families conducted by Fidelity in August of 2012 identified the challenges families face when talking about the financial and emotional aspects of sharing a legacy. According to this survey, when it comes to legacy planning, people find it easier to talk with a professional advisor than a family member.

“First Western uses ConnectView, a unique and proprietary approach to understanding and guiding a client’s entire financial picture including business, personal and philanthropic goals,”  said Jim Sprout, CFP®, Chairman of First Western’s Northern Colorado office.  “This workshop was an extension of that approach and provided a practical way to inspire families and community conversations on legacy, and then provide the tools to connect generations.”